
Showing posts from 2021

Pituitary gland

 PITUITARY GLAND  The pituitary gland (hypothesis) is a small gland situated at the base of the skull in the sella turcica and connected to the brain by pituitary stalk It is divided into  1. Anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis)  2. posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis).  3. Intermediate lobe (called pars intermedia) Hypothalamo- Hypophysial connections   Two types of connections b/w hypothalamus and pituitary gland   1- A vascular connections between hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland in the form of a hypothalamo-hypophysial portal circulation   2- A nervous connection between the hypothalamus and posterior lobe in the form of hypothalamo- hypophysial tract .................................................................................... Anterior Pituitary Gland   It is called the “Master gland  It is essential for life   It secrete the following hormones ”  . Anterior Pituitary Hormones  I-Polypeptide Hormones...

The Posterior Triangle of the Neck

  The   posterior triangle   of the neck is an anatomical area located in the lateral aspect of the neck. We shall look at the anatomy of the posterior triangle of the neck – its borders, contents, subdivisions, and any clinical relevance. ..................................................................................................................................... Borders Its boundaries are as follows: *Anterior  – posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid. *Posterior  – anterior border of the trapezius muscle. *Inferior  – middle 1/3 of the clavicle. The posterior triangle of the neck is covered by the  investing  layer of fascia, and the floor is formed by the  prevertebral  fascia. ..................................................................................................................................... Contents Muscles The posterior triangle of the neck contains many muscles, which make up the borders and the floor...