Occipitofrontalis muscle

Occipitofrontalis muscle:

Form and shape :

It consists of two frontal bellies and two occipital bellies connected by an epicranial aposeurosis.
The 2 frontal bellies are broader and longer than two occipital bellies.
The 2 frontal bellies come close together in the median plane .
On the other hane th 2 occipital bellies are separated by the epicranial aponeurosis.


Each frontal belly:

/Arises from the skin and super facial fascia of the eye brow and the forehead.
The medial fibers of the frontal bellies are continuous of those of  procerus muscle.
The intermediate and the lateral fibers blend with corrugator spercilli and the orbital part of orbicularis oculi muscles.
Inserted posteriorly into the epicranial aponeurosis.

Each occipital belly:


from the highest nuchal line.


Into the epicranial aponeurosis anteriorly

Nerve supply

The frontal belly :

by the temporal branches of the facial nerve

The occipital belly :

by the posterior auricular branch of the facial nerve.

Action :

The frontal bellies raise the eyebrow as in the expressions of surprise.
The occipital bellies can move the superfacial 3 layers of the scalp backward over the 4th one.


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